Yarn for Kalei

Adventures in crafting...my obsession with yarn, beads, and scrapbooking.

Monday, April 30, 2007

Oldest Yarn in the Stash

This is the oldest yarn in my stash. It is the 2nd ball of yarn I purchased. I just learned how to knit and I was in Hawaii taking care of my dad who was recovering from surgery. I bought it from a little yarn boutique on Kalakaua Ave. I never finished it because it ended up looking more like a pot holder than a scarf to me. This is due more to my tight knitting than the yarn of course! I bought it in 2003. It is old! :0)

Had to get this in under the wire!


  • At 12:58 AM, Blogger The Imperfect Knitter said…

    The yarn is only a baby still ...wait until you have something as old as your grown up daughter ( and I daren't say that is old in case she reads this ! )What a beautiful colour , and Kalakaua Ave , isn't that romantic ? much better than my lys on 'High Street ' .......


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